A correctional officer at California Correctional Institution (CCI) was injured in an attack by an inmate on Thursday, March 20.
Inmate Marquice Wallace attacked the officer with an inmate-manufactured weapon as the officer escorted the individual back to his assigned cell. The officer was struck in the neck with the weapon.
The officer sustained injuries and was taken to an outside medical facility for further treatment. The officer was released later and is OK.
Inmate Wallace was transferred to a different institution where he will be placed in a restricted housing unit.
Also, at CCI-Tehachapi, on the same day, in a non-associated incident, Inmate Justin Brown attacked and battered another correctional officer. Staff attacks are numerous in CDCR and often go unreported.
INCREASED VIOLENCE IN CDCR CALIFORNIA MODEL PRISONS We have been subjected to increased attacks by inmates with a management who does not care to address the issue. It appears many CDCR managers are afraid to implement necessary security measures as to not offend the California Model ideals.
CDCR is using fancy words to explain how Prisneyland is supposed to work. Words like “dynamic security” are used to give inmates more freedoms, “normalization” to make inmates happier in prison, “peer support” to allow inmates to earn good-time credits, and “trauma-informed organization” to give inmates an excuse when they injure staff. Although these California Model catchphrases sound researched, they are not implemented with any type of criminological necessity or scientific backing. The California Model of prison management is only a political toy which is allowing for more violence in prisons