Sex and drug use is illegal for inmates inside of the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). The prohibition on sex and narcotics is for inmate and staff safety. Despite the prohibitions, CDCR continues to issue inmates lubricated condoms and now is issuing inmates Narcan sprays with hypodermic needles. The availability of hypodermic needles in the past has somewhat limited intravenous drug use inside prisons, now the department is issuing inmates the needles they need.
Just recently, CDCR began issuing inmates Narcan nasal sprays. The sprays contain medication designed to rapidly reverse the effects of a life-threatening opioid emergency. Custody and medical staff have saved countless lives by quickly administering the spay to inmates suffering from an overdose. The spays were not available to the inmate population, that is until recently.
Every inmate is allowed to pick up two Narcan nasal sprays along with other free hygiene items. Each spray contains one hypodermic needle; the needle is very easy to remove from the spray. The needle is about an inch long and is intended to pierce the Naloxone cartridge also contained in the nasal spray unit. The advertising for the product says “needleless” despite each unit containing a hypodermic needle.