In California, convicted violent felons can’t be called inmates anymore

Its official, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is overhaling the Title 15 to ensure political correctness.

With California’s Office of Administrative Law Matter 2024-0521-02, the next revision to the Title 15 will completely replace the word “inmate” with “incarcerated person”. Also, the word “parolee” will no longer exist in California, it will be “supervised person”.

Other changes to Title 15 add the “R” to CDCR where it was forgotten in past changes. And in some sections “prisoner” has been replaced with “life incarcerated person”.

California and CDCR explain these changes are necessary to remove outdated terminology with modern terms. We at the Toughest Beat believe it is not necessary and political correctness should stay out of criminal justice.

Remember, in California the elected leaders only care about offenders and making them happy. California politicians could not care less about the victims or victims’ families.

By Rev Red

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