On December 16, 2024, at 1804 hours, at California State Prison Sacramento, officers observed Inmate Jason Brannigan attacking Inmate Lamar Scott, using an improvised weapon to stab Scott multiple times. Brannigan then allegedly swung the weapon toward another inmate, Santana D. West, striking him as well.
Officers immediately quelled the incident. They initiated life-saving measures and activated 911. Emergency medical personnel arrived on the scene and continued administering life-saving measures. Paramedics pronounced Scott deceased at 6:36 p.m. West was treated for his injuries.
No other injuries were reported. Brannigan has been placed in restricted housing as SAC’s Investigative Services Unit continues its investigation. The Office of the Inspector General has been notified and the Sacramento County Coroner will determine cause of death.
An inmate-manufactured weapon was found at the scene.
Scott, 35, was most recently received from Contra Costa County on July 12, 2018. He was sentenced to 16 years for corporal injury on specific persons resulting in traumatic condition as a second striker, with enhancements inflicting great bodily injury involving domestic violence, personal use of a dangerous or deadly weapon and prior felony conviction of a serious offense.
West, 71, was most recently received from San Francisco County on March 15, 2022. He was sentenced to life with the possibility of parole for rape with force/violence/fear of bodily injury as a third striker.
Brannigan, 47, was most recently received from Sacramento County on March 7, 2011. He was sentenced to 17 years, eight months for corporal injury to spouse within seven years of a prior/specified conviction, criminal threat to cause great bodily injury/death and vandalism as a second striker, with an enhancement for a prior felony conviction of a serious offense. While incarcerated, Brannigan was sentenced by Kern County on Feb. 28, 2022, to four years for possession/manufacture of a deadly weapon as a second striker, an in-prison offense.