A correctional officer at California State Prison, Sacramento (SAC), was injured in an attack by an inmate on Monday, March 17.
Inmate Richard Rojas attacked the officer with an improvised weapon as the officer approached the individual for an escort back to his assigned cell following a shower. The officer was stuck with the weapon in the face.
The officer sustained injuries and was taken an outside medical facility for further treatment.
The officer was released later and is OK.
Inmate Rojas remains in a restricted housing unit.
The YouTube video
The YouTube video depicting the “Northern and Southern vs. Fresno Bulldogs riot” at SATF Corcoran, showing the brutal attack and stabbing of 12 Bulldogs, presents a serious allegation against the CDCR. The claim that the CDCR knowingly set up this attack by placing rival gangs together is a significant one with potentially far-reaching legal implications.
This video, along with any supporting evidence (hospital records, witness statements, etc. should be used to bolster the appellant’s case in several ways:
* Motion for a New Trial: If the appellant’s conviction is somehow linked to the events of this riot (e.g., if the prosecution’s case relied on testimony from individuals involved in the riot, or if the riot created a climate of fear that influenced the trial), this video could be used to argue for a new trial based on newly discovered evidence. The argument would be that the CDCR’s actions (or inaction) leading to the riot constitute a miscarriage of justice.
Skidmark, something to understand. CDCR houses human beings with their own free will. I fully believe CDCR should seek prosecution of anyone in its custody who attacks another, however CDCR is not responsible for everyone’s actions. If inmates want to play silly gang politics, most of that falls on them. CDCR is there to do the crime scene and get evidence for prosecution. I do understand the need for CDCR to quickly restore order, but CDCR should not be forced to care about silly gang politics.