CDCR Inmate Discipline Process, Step-By-Step
I know this blog is followed mainly by people already in the corrections profession. However, I have received enough questions regarding inmate discipline from folks outside of corrections I decided…
A blog where facts are more valued than feelings.
I know this blog is followed mainly by people already in the corrections profession. However, I have received enough questions regarding inmate discipline from folks outside of corrections I decided…
It is very unfortunate, but California correctional officers get battered on almost a daily basis. Most of these violent attacks against officers are reported internally, however not reported to the…
From Courthouse News Service By Alan Riquelmy The state of California faces some $94 million in sanctions after a federal judge on Friday found it had failed to meet court-ordered…
By: Don Thompson CDCR could face more than $40 million in fines after it failed to improve suicide prevention measures in state prisons despite a federal judge’s warning that she…
Governor Newsom and the CDCR administration have been trying to push several lies regarding “The California Model.” The California Model is a victim-offending model, and the only truth is the…
On February 23, Kern Valley State Prison initiated a lockdown of the prison (modified program) due to several instances of violence towards staff members. Starting on Monday, February 20, with…
From the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation By: Michael Rushford The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) has released a new report on recidivism rates for prisoners released in Fiscal…
The California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation uses discipline to maintain control and promote socially desirable changes in the attitude and behavior of inmates. At least that is what inmate…