California Legislature Passes Bill to Boost Media Access to Prisons

The California Legislature has greenlit Senate Bill 254 which will allow more media access into California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation facilities.

With a resounding 30-10 vote in the Senate following a unanimous 72-0 in the Assembly, the bill is now poised to land on the governor’s desk. Commentary from various industry leaders highlights the bill’s importance. “Allowing local radio and television stations access to prisons empowers the public to better understand how their tax dollars are spent and hold government accountable”, said Joe Berry, CEO of the California Broadcasters Association, in a nod that seemed to capture the essence of the proposed reform swiftly, as cited by the 9th Senate District Office.

If SB 254 becomes law, it promises to grant media representatives the ability to tour prison facilities, interview inmates, and use video cameras and other recording devices that are currently mostly prohibited.

By Rev Red

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