Although the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) has experienced a decline in the number of inmates supervised, the amount of staff attacks has increased.
Experienced CDCR officers knew the “California Model” of prison management would cause an increase of crime within prison walls, but the significant increase in staff battery by inmates was more than expected. The most recent numbers are from July 2024 with 292 separate incidents of staff members being battered by CDCR inmates.
This chart shows the regular increase in inmates battering staff members in CDCR in the past year following the implementation of the California Model:

This chart shows the declining CDCR prison population and the increase in staff attacks as a percentage of the population:

CDCR is run by politicians who either have never worked the mainline, or it’s been so long and their nose is to brown to see anything, that they risk our safety, public safety, and (most important to the high ups) the inmates safety. They never ask a season officer their opinion or what are their suggestions, even if they do, they always do the opposite of our concerns and suggestions, and tell us to “make it work!” With almost no plan, and when something goes wrong, the officers are always the first to blame, loose money, or be fired, never the idiot who told us to figure it out with the only plan being “we are going to start doing plan A, there’s not plan yet but make it work,.” or my favorite, they send a Sgt to tell us “here’s the plan, this is what they want , there’s no way in hell it’s going to end well , just document every thing in the log book to cover your ass.”